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Friday, August 10, 2012

Two steps forward, one and a half steps back

Well another two seizures again. The first happened when I was asleep. I had a dream I was working on a deck at my grandpa's house and I fell off landing on my left side. The pain in my head was excruciating and the whole left side of my body was jerking around. I snapped awake to find myself in a full on seizure (or whatever it is) violently shaking my left side. Gillian happened to come into the room and saw me and asked if I was okay. I was able to stammer out, "Go get Mom" to which Gillian replied "Are you going to throw up?". I managed to stammer out a yes and Dana came in and saw me in full seizure. She broke up a Valium and got it down me and twenty minutes later I had calmed down again. For the next two days (Saturday and Sunday) my neck was sore and my left leg weak from all the shaking. I don't know how long I was asleep when I started seizing, but it sure knocked me for a loop. Then, Sunday night I started again but we were able to catch it before it went into a full blown seizure, but again, I was so tired and upset. It is scary being trapped in a body that you have no control of. Another small miracle, we have been praying that I could get in to the neurological center at U of U before the 4 to 6 month wait time we were told. We got a call and I am going in on the 27th of September to get a brain scan. For the last couple of months, I will get a piercing pain in my left temple that will radiate throughout my brain and it feels like it is being squeezed. The last two seizures I had started off with this jabbing pain, so my doctors want me to get a brain scan to make sure nothing is messed up with my noggin. I'll let everyone know how it works out. Dana has been so busy putting in the yard this year. The nicks and cuts on her hands show the battle she has fought putting in trees, bushes and plants to help make the yard look better. I try and struggle pulling weeds in the garden, but if the kids didn't help, we would be canning weeds this year. We planted tomatillo plants three years ago and they keep coming up on their own, so I am hoping to can some green chili this year. We also have some rogue squash that showed up in the garden as well an some potatoes that just sprouted. I will never complain about the extra food, I just hope I have the energy to put it up this year. We continue to struggle to find the right cocktail of drugs that will help with the CRPS, so with each shift in drugs I go through another set of fights with different side effects and I keep struggling to sleep. All I want is 4 hours of sleep without having to resort to drugs. Just once I would like to wake up feeling refreshed instead of drug behind horses for 4-5 hours a night. I have been to the U of U pain clinic four times now and they are helping and it seems like I have direction now, but every time we change something up, it is like two steps forward and one and a half back. It is progress, but it is slow and the the roller coaster ride sure takes a mental toll and me and the family. We keep praying and hoping to find the right mix to put this into remission, until then, I guess I keep moving forward the best I can. John

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